Wednesday, February 16, 2011

NSVs- Wednesday, 2/16/11

Just getting us started...
Edited on Thurs, 2/17:
Forgot to come back and finish my post last night! It's kind of hard to remember back, even it was just yesterday!

1. Played with Jonah at Toddler Time (chasing him to get him to run, picking him up to make baskets). Sitting on the sidelines and watching him play independently was an option, so this was a conscious choice.

2. I did break down and get a scone at Starbucks because I was so tired (probably would have made a better choice if I were feeling more peppy!). When I paid there was just $.83 cents left on my Starbucks card. I passed it to the woman in line behind me. Felt good to do a random act of kindness, plus now I won't have an excuse to go spend more money at Starbucks!


Anne T. said...

Did manage to stay roughly within PP target last night, with the help of a tomato or two. *However*, I was ravenous all day long.

1. I could easily have broken my record for most PP eaten in a single day, but I didn't. I tracked everything, and the least healthy thing I ate was granola. (No serious sugar, and nothing deep-fried, frosted, or from Haagen-Dasz.)

2. Drank 64 oz. of water.

3. Took swim lesson.

Lisa G. said...

Wednesday's NSVs:
I'm coming down with a bug, so this will be different from my usual.
1) Took a nap.
2) Ate leftover Mexican lasagna for dinner and let everyone else fend for themselves.
3) Drank lots of tea and water.

Lisa G. said...

I forgot one: I ate the 3PP bar in my purse instead of getting drive-through on the way to tutoring!