Tuesday, February 1, 2011

NSVs - Monday, 1/39/11

super stressful day getting the family packed and out the door to the airport. But the toughest part is over, we're on the plane now, and when we land we'll be in Maui! Definitely a hard day to take care of myself, but I can still find some victories:

1. started the day with my normal oatmeal breakfast. HUGE victory since a big part of me was thinking "Start vacation now! Go out to eat! Indulge!"

2. Packed a big bag of snacks for the plane. Included crackers and cookies, but balanced it out with edamame, snap peas, apple slices, oranges, and apple-carrot sauce. Have to eat all the fruits and veggies because you can't bring them with you on to the island.

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1 comment:

Anne T. said...

I *totally* get the urge to eat out on vacation. Yay for oatmeal!

1. Jogged about four miles in 34 degrees: long sleeves, running pants, and gloves.

2. Cut chicken breasts and ground turkey into filets, stir-fry chunks, and patties and then froze them for last-minute cooking emergencies.

3. Listened to an entire CD (start to finish, no interruptions) while I worked in the kitchen. (It was Bonnie Raitt, as it happens.)