Tuesday, February 15, 2011

NSVs- Tuesday, 2/15/11

Just getting us started nice and early, in case my night runs late again...

1. Had no time for breakfast and needed to run out of the house for a meeting this morning. I knew if I didn't eat the rest of the day would go poorly (and I wouldn't pay attention in the meeting anyway) so I too a minute to make oatmeal and brought it with me.

2. Brushed my teeth right after dinner to stop myself from going back to the kitchen to graze.


Anne T. said...

1. Spent 40 minutes and 290 calories on the recumbent bike.

2. Ignored the candy bar and the full-size package of M&Ms that were left on my chair before a divisional "all-hands" meeting at work. (BTW, that meeting had ~500 people in it, and every chair had similar items. Just how big is our junk-food budget?)

3. Made do with an apple and water after craving chicken/rice soup with fresh bread on the way home from dance lesson with E. (This one is still "in progress." I'll let you know how it turns out.)

Lisa G. said...

Tuesday's NSVs:
1) Walked 3 laps around Bell Square, despite not feeling well;
2) 7 fruits and veggies;
3) Had dinner prepared and in the fridge before I left for my walk.