Monday, February 28, 2011

NSVs- Monday, 2/28/11

1. Attended my Weight Watchers meeting here in Issaquah this morning.

2. Had a salad as my whole lunch. It's been a while since I've done that. (And as a side note, it was SO AWESOME that Jonah finished his first serving and asked for seconds of LETTUCE! Red leaf lettuce, at that. I only ate iceberg until I was in college, I think! He loved it. He ate more lettuce than pear slices or walnuts, which was the rest of the salad, along with the Trader Joe's Pear Champagne Vinegarette.)

3. This one is HUGE. I know I said when this started that the idea is to recognize and give ourselves credit for the small things we do every day, but when we have BIG things to celebrate we should do that too, right?

So here it is...

I set up a challenge and followed through with it!!!

Tonight marks the end of the official NSV Challenge I committed to on January 27th. I asked my members to join me and log their NSVs with me for one month, giving room for some days off. I allowed myself 8 days off, and I only took 7! (And for those days I still started the blog post, I just didn't blog my own NSVs.)

Though some nights I really felt like I was digging, REALLY digging to come up with the smallest of victories, this project really was the constant reminder I thought it would be. I'm not sure if it had an effect on my long term thinking, but I bet it did. Every little bit of positive self talk we can give ourselves balances out the constant stream of negative we bash ourselves over the head with.

Thank you so much to those of you who came along on this journey with me. Anne and Lisa, thank you for your continued dedication to logging on and blogging with me. I'm not sure if I could have kept it going the whole time without the accountability of blogging buddies! We had a number of other members who checked in occasionally, and it was wonderful to see each visit and each post.

I'd love to hear feedback on if/how you'd like to move forward with this kind of project. Or ideas for challenges in the future. I haven't finished designing the prize for participating yet, but I promise to cracking on them so I can award them to you in a meeting soon.

Yay for NSVs!!!


Lisa G. said...

Hey, Renee! I have enjoyed this challenge. I liked ending my day with "Well, at least I did 3 things right!" It also made me think about my choices earlier in the day, because I'd be wondering what I would blog about. So for today's NSVs:
1) Had a DR. appt. Parked on the top floor of the parking garage and took the stairs both ways.
2) Went immediately to Curves after the dr. and did my workout.
3) Ate 5 fruits and veggies.
4) Actually planned my meals for the week and know what I need to pick up to complete them. Tonight it was Sloppy Turkey Joes.
Thanks for the challenge. As for continuing it, maybe have everyone try for >= once/week. See you all Saturday!

Anne T. said...

I agree with Lisa that, if you want to boost participation, you might consider a "post once a week" challenge. You could tie each challenge to the WW topic of the week or make it more open-ended. For example, you could ask questions such as:
--What's the best part of getting healthier?
--What anchor/s help you stay on track?
--What do you wish you had known when you joined WW?

The point is to feel better about losing weight, right? With a weekly challenge, every post csn be a victory. If you want to award bonus points, you could celebrate (in the meeting) those who post every week for a month.

BTW, I believe you said that you could post anonymously, that is, without creating an account. I don't see a way to do that here. If you think some people might not have posted because they didn't want to create an account, you might find a different blogging platform (or dig around this one to see whether you have to enable anonymous posts). LiveJournal supports anonymous posts (or used to), but they started a required-ad experience that I find annoying. My .02.

See you Saturday!

Anne T. said...

FWIW, I found this article relevant and enjoyable: