Monday, February 28, 2011

NSVs- Monday, 2/28/11

1. Attended my Weight Watchers meeting here in Issaquah this morning.

2. Had a salad as my whole lunch. It's been a while since I've done that. (And as a side note, it was SO AWESOME that Jonah finished his first serving and asked for seconds of LETTUCE! Red leaf lettuce, at that. I only ate iceberg until I was in college, I think! He loved it. He ate more lettuce than pear slices or walnuts, which was the rest of the salad, along with the Trader Joe's Pear Champagne Vinegarette.)

3. This one is HUGE. I know I said when this started that the idea is to recognize and give ourselves credit for the small things we do every day, but when we have BIG things to celebrate we should do that too, right?

So here it is...

I set up a challenge and followed through with it!!!

Tonight marks the end of the official NSV Challenge I committed to on January 27th. I asked my members to join me and log their NSVs with me for one month, giving room for some days off. I allowed myself 8 days off, and I only took 7! (And for those days I still started the blog post, I just didn't blog my own NSVs.)

Though some nights I really felt like I was digging, REALLY digging to come up with the smallest of victories, this project really was the constant reminder I thought it would be. I'm not sure if it had an effect on my long term thinking, but I bet it did. Every little bit of positive self talk we can give ourselves balances out the constant stream of negative we bash ourselves over the head with.

Thank you so much to those of you who came along on this journey with me. Anne and Lisa, thank you for your continued dedication to logging on and blogging with me. I'm not sure if I could have kept it going the whole time without the accountability of blogging buddies! We had a number of other members who checked in occasionally, and it was wonderful to see each visit and each post.

I'd love to hear feedback on if/how you'd like to move forward with this kind of project. Or ideas for challenges in the future. I haven't finished designing the prize for participating yet, but I promise to cracking on them so I can award them to you in a meeting soon.

Yay for NSVs!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

NSVs- Sunday, 2/27/11

Sorry I'm getting to this so late! The day got away from me.

1. Ate a small, protein-packed breakfast before going to a potluck brunch this morning (so I wouldn't be overly hungry, and in case there wasn't anything I wanted to eat there).

2. Brought a salad to the brunch. Made sure to eat some of that and a bunch of the beautiful fruit platter that someone else brought.

3. Set the timer in the kitchen for 10 minutes for more cleaning/organizing, and reset it for another 10 when it went off. Kept going for a little while after that.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Oven Baked Brown Rice

Since Theresa asked for it today in the meeting.

Oven-baked Brown Rice
From: Best Light Recipes, America's Test Kitchen

1 1/2 cups long-, medium-, or short-grain brown rice
2 1/3 cups water
1 TBSP olive oil

1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat to 375. Spread rice in an 8-inch square glass baking dish.
2. Bring water and oil to boil, covered. Once water is boiling, immediately stir in 1/2 tsp salt and pour the water over the riced. Cover the baking dish tightly with a double layer of foil and bake until the rice is tender, about 1 hour.
3. Remove the baking dish from oven. Uncover, and fluff the rice with fork. Cover dish with a clean kitchen towel and let stand for 5 min. Uncover and let stand for 5 min longer before serving.

*I let it cool a little more on the counter, then put it in the fridge for a bit. Once totally cooled I put it in baggies (3/4cup servings, but you can do whatever) and then put them in the freezer. To reheat I take it out of the baggie and microwave for 2-3 min.
*I also make a double batch in a 9x13' pan

NSVs- Saturday, 2/26/11

Just getting us started...

Friday, February 25, 2011

NSVs- Friday, 2/25/11

1. Spent most of my time with Jonah at Toddler Time making sure I was moving - bouncing from foot to foot, walking laps around the play area, climbing the stairs with Jonah...whatever it took to keep moving.

2. Made my oven baked brown rice (which makes about 16 servings, which I freeze in individual baggies) so I'm set for quick meals in the future.

3. *Really* happy with the dinner I cooked tonight. I used the Trader Joe's Masala simmer sauce (which recommends adding 1 lb. chicken), and instead I added .75 lbs chicken, some red potatoes, mushrooms and peas. Next time I will also add onions. It was yummy, and I felt "healthy" (whatever that means!) when I ate it!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

NSVs- Thursday, 2/24/27

1. Started my day by shoveling the driveway!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

NSVs- Wednesday, 2/23/11

1. Even though my DIY kitchen makeover isn't done I had a big victory with my freezer this morning. Jonah asked for "trees" (broccoli) for breakfast (I have no idea where that came from, but I'm not questioning it!). At first I was mad at myself for not having any broccoli and having to say no to him, then I remembered I probably had some in the freezer. And I did! So Jonah and I had broccoli for breakfast. Unconventional, but healthy!

2. Morning snack was and apple and a pear (shared with Jonah).

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

NSVs- Tuesday, 2/22/11

1. I've been so hungry in the mornings lately I started my day by doubling the amount of blueberries in my oatmeal. (And followed my breakfast with a blood orange. Which ended up being kinda funny because Jonah was amazed our orange was a purpley-red. And he wouldn't eat any of it, probably because it looked wrong to him!)

2. Parked far away from Kidsquest in Factoria Mall so Jonah and I would both have to walk more.

Monday, February 21, 2011

NSVs- Monday, 2/21/11

Happy Presidents' Day!

1. Substituted the house salad, dressing on the side, for the fries at lunch (even though Fare Start has the most AWESOME fries. I did get to eat two from my husband's plate though. :-)).

2. Carried Jonah up some of downtown's steep hills after we went on our bus adventure.

3. Made a light, veg-heavy dinner to make up for going out to lunch.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

NSVs- Sunday 2/20/11

1. I didn't take my leftovers home from dinner since I didn't want to use more PointsPlus on that food again.

2. Napped!

3. Inspired by yesterday's meeting, I started my DIY Kitchen Makeover by setting the timer and cleaning. Setting a goal to organize the pantry (so it will fit the extra stuff that is on the counter) tomorrow or Tuesday.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

NSVs- Saturday, 2/19/11

Just getting us started...

Friday, February 18, 2011

NSVs- Friday, 2/18/11

1. Woke up CRAZY hungry today. Wanted to dive in to the pantry/fridge, but I held myself to a my regular high-protein breakfast of greek yogurt. Waited to see if I was still hungry, and when I was I split oatmeal with Jonah. When STILL hungry after that I had a pear.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

NSVs- Thursday, 2/17/27

1. Went to Panera for lunch with friends. Got a "You choose two" and split with Jonah - mac & cheese for him, half sandwich for me.

2. Napped when Jonah did (he's back to waking every two hours at night. :-( Yawn!)

3. Had pineapple with Jonah as a snack after our nap. (Lots of other options, like Girl Scout Cookies!) were very tempting, but I focused on "what would the food do for my/Jonah's body." Makes it easy (or at least easier!) to pick the healthy choice.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

NSVs- Wednesday, 2/16/11

Just getting us started...
Edited on Thurs, 2/17:
Forgot to come back and finish my post last night! It's kind of hard to remember back, even it was just yesterday!

1. Played with Jonah at Toddler Time (chasing him to get him to run, picking him up to make baskets). Sitting on the sidelines and watching him play independently was an option, so this was a conscious choice.

2. I did break down and get a scone at Starbucks because I was so tired (probably would have made a better choice if I were feeling more peppy!). When I paid there was just $.83 cents left on my Starbucks card. I passed it to the woman in line behind me. Felt good to do a random act of kindness, plus now I won't have an excuse to go spend more money at Starbucks!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

NSVs- Tuesday, 2/15/11

Just getting us started nice and early, in case my night runs late again...

1. Had no time for breakfast and needed to run out of the house for a meeting this morning. I knew if I didn't eat the rest of the day would go poorly (and I wouldn't pay attention in the meeting anyway) so I too a minute to make oatmeal and brought it with me.

2. Brushed my teeth right after dinner to stop myself from going back to the kitchen to graze.

Monday, February 14, 2011

NSVs- Monday, 2/14/11

1. Shared broccoli (with melted cheese) with Jonah for a snack. I love that I'm teaching the next generation.

2. Did a homemade Valentines dinner, instead of going out. It was a Hawaiian breakfast for dinner (French toast made with Hawaiian sweet bread). I dipped my fork in the syrup instead of pouring it on.

3. Got in my 5 fruits and veggies today. (blueberries with my oatmeal, orange after breakfast, grapes for a snack with Jonah, broccoli with lunch, pineapple with our Hawaiian dinner)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

NSVs- Sunday, 2/13/11

1. Packed a bag of healthy snacks for me and Jonah to take with to a workshop I was going to (which provided free babysitting - w00t!)

2. Napped while Jonah was napping.

3. Took half my dinner home from the restaurant we ate at. (Ate the veggies while I was waiting for the to go box, instead of just keeping eating the whole thing. I plan to add frozen veggies in when I reheat it for lunch tomorrow.)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

NSVs- Saturday, 2/12/11

Just getting us started...

Friday, February 11, 2011

NSVs- Friday, 2/11/11

Hmmm... Some days it really is hard to come up with 3 victories! But I'll dig deep, and make it happen anyway...

1. I got in all 5 fruits and veg today, thanks to blueberries in my oatmeal, an apple after breakfast, leftovers from last night's dinner for lunch (2 servings), tomato soup with dinner, and I plan on grapes for a snack while Matt and I watch Chuck tonight. I love checking in on this Good Health Guideline - it really helps me feel healthy!

2. Picked up soup for Matt for dinner at Panera, but I didn't get anything for me. Went with the (canned) soup and sandwich I had planned at home.

3. Measured the cookies (matched the serving size on the bag to the gram) I had for dessert.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

NSVs- Thursday, 2/10/11

Didn't make it back for yesterday's blog post - but we're aiming for an 80% success rate, right?

So here's a new try for today, and again I'm focusing on starting the post earlier in the day so no one has to wait on me.

1. Took a nap during Jonah's first nap. I can still feel my body work on getting over this cold!

2. Took a nap during Jonah's second nap. Yay.

3. Cooked an AWESOME healthy dinner. Made breakfast for dinner: A hash with onions, sweet potato, turnip, mushrooms and kale. Served with fried eggs. Veggie and proteinalishious! (I even took a pic I might post here later!)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

NSVs- Wednesday, 2/9/11

Just getting us started...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

NSVs- Tuesday, 2/8/11

I think my NSVs are going to look a little different for the next few days. My immune system finally gave up and I got the cold that Matt got two weeks ago, and Jonah got a week ago.

1. Took a nap! (Matt was awesome and took Jonah out to play so I could sleep for 2 hours.

2. Took a nap! (While Jonah napped for two hours after all that playing)

I'm working on taking another nap now, but I got distracted by Facebook. I'll update later, after I wake up!

NSVs- Monday, 2/7/11

Sorry this is up a day late. Long day of travel, and now home safe. Already missing the Maui sun and 80 degree temps.

My major NSV has nothing to do with weight loss, it's just that I survived a 5hr 45min plane ride with a wriggly toddler! (To make it more difficult, he was congested and his ears hurt the whole way down. :-(

Sunday, February 6, 2011

NSVs- 2/6/11

Ready for today!
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NSVs- 2/5/11

1. Walked (about a mile) from train to lunch

2. Chose all fresh fruit topping on my froyo

3. Was eating an "interesting" cookie (exotic) that I didn't really like, so I stopped (a lovely example was set by matt) and threw it out.
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Friday, February 4, 2011

NSVs- 2/4/11

Just getting the post started...will put on my NSVs tonight!
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

NSVs- 2/3/2011

1. Made fruit the main part of my breakfast, veggies the main part of my lunch in preparation for going to our luau tonight.

2. Took a 15 minute walk on the beach when jonah fell asleep on the car (we parked in the shade and matt stayed in the car).

3. I got up and danced on the stage at the luau!

I'm adding one more, since I skipped yesterday and I remembered this one that was kind of exciting for me:

4. Tried two new foods: poi and some fish I can't remember the name of.

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NSVs- 2/2/2011

No time to blog last night, too tired right now, but I wanted to get a post up for 2/2 so you guys doing the challenge have a place to comment. Sorry it's late!
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

NSVs- Tues, 2/1/2011

1. Faced one of my hardest challenges, perfection. Travel was going well until toward the end of the trip when Jonah was overtired, so I wasn't able to finish my blog post for last night (it was about 2am Seattle time when I posted what I had). My inner perfectionist wanted to wait, finish it and post it in the morning. But I figured it was better to ditch the perfectionism and jyst let it go. 2/3 done on time was better than none. I feel like this was a really big victory for me.

2. Went to the grocery store and stocked up food for the condo - lots of fresh fruit. Excited to cut in to our pineapple and our papaya!

3. Only ate half my lunch -the rest is on the fridge, waiting for tomorrow!
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NSVs - Monday, 1/39/11

super stressful day getting the family packed and out the door to the airport. But the toughest part is over, we're on the plane now, and when we land we'll be in Maui! Definitely a hard day to take care of myself, but I can still find some victories:

1. started the day with my normal oatmeal breakfast. HUGE victory since a big part of me was thinking "Start vacation now! Go out to eat! Indulge!"

2. Packed a big bag of snacks for the plane. Included crackers and cookies, but balanced it out with edamame, snap peas, apple slices, oranges, and apple-carrot sauce. Have to eat all the fruits and veggies because you can't bring them with you on to the island.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

NSVs - Sun, 1/30/11

1. Brought salad for a pizza lunch party. (I'm the only one who ate any :-)

2. I've been making a detailed To Do list and being careful with how I'm prioritizing it to try to keep the travel-related stress down.

3. Feeling stress anyway so I made hot tea instead of heading to the pantry.

Must return to packing!!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

NSVs - Sat, 1/29/11

Welcome to the challenge, my Saturday Star Catchers! Here are my three NSVs for today:

1. Tasted gelato when I went to the grocery store after dinner, but I didn't order any.
2. Instead I had a dessert of oranges (clementines, actually), and I shared them with Jonah (bonus - healthy for me, good role modeling for Jonah!)
3. I've promised myself a hot bubble bath after we get Jonah to bed (he's got dibs on the tub right now...). I promise I'll do it! (If I don't, I'll have to come edit my blog post!)

I can't wait to see what little victories you are celebrating today! (Here's a hint if you need help coming up with one, and if I saw you this morning - You went to a meeting! That's a HUGE NSV right there!)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Non Scale Victories 1/28/11

It was a rough day - feeling like I'm going to have to dig deep to find successes that support my heath and wellness goals!

1) I finished and posted the initial post for this blog, as well as NSVs from yesterday (and I'm following through with tonight's list of 3 NSVs).

2) I left some of my 2nd lunch behind. (I eat with Jonah before his nap and after his nap.) I recognized I was no longer hungry, and I composted the leftovers.

3) I skipped appetizers and split a pizza with a friend at Tutta Bella for dinner.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The NSV Challenge

A great way for weight loss to feel easy is to constantly feel successful. And if we're only using the scale to judge our successes we are seriously missing out on big opportunities, and probably setting ourselves up for disappointment, too. To help us all see the positive changes we're making in our lives, I invite you to join me in the NSV Challenge!

What's an NSV you ask? It's a Non-Scale Victory!
It's stepping back from the scale and celebrating the accomplishments we have every day, even the little things.

For this challenge I, your fearless leader, commit to publishing a blog post once a day for 32 days (from Friday, Jan 28 to Monday, Feb 28) that lists three NSVs I had that day. They can be tiny, or huge.

I challenge you, my (hopefully fearless) members, to join me. Visit the blog each day and comment on the post with three of your own NSVs.

We can inspire ourselves by seeing that even days where we are feeling down that we have some small change we have made in our lives, and see that these small changes add up to big success. We can inspire each other by seeing the victories other people call out as success, that we might overlook or push aside.

I even commit to doing this while I am on vacation in Hawaii. That's how awesome I think this challenge is! I have a prize in mind, something for each member who posts at least 25 times through-out the challenge (that's an 80% response rate). A little extra incentive for anyone who needs it.

You don't need to have a blogger account or anything. You just come read this blog each day, click on the "Post a Comment" link, and post your own. I can't wait to see our successes add up!