Sunday, January 30, 2011

NSVs - Sun, 1/30/11

1. Brought salad for a pizza lunch party. (I'm the only one who ate any :-)

2. I've been making a detailed To Do list and being careful with how I'm prioritizing it to try to keep the travel-related stress down.

3. Feeling stress anyway so I made hot tea instead of heading to the pantry.

Must return to packing!!!!


Anne T. said...

1. Put sliced banana (and less butter) on pancakes.

2. Spent 40 minutes in the pool practicing flip turns and my "butterfly" stroke (still looks more like a caterpillar but getting better)

3. Watched video on to remind myself that people can be smart, inspirational, and funny in less than 20 minutes.

stephanie said...

1. I said no to the bags of chips in the staff room

2. Feeling more okay with my new baby-on-board body

3. Had just a small snack before bed (this is my goal every week - trying to break my recent habit of pouring a BIG bowl of cereal)

Lisa G. said...

Today (1/31) I:
1) Did my Curves workout;
2) Split my shake with my hubby;
3) Ate some soup before going out to dinner.

Lisa G.

Robin Amada Tzucker said...

1. Went to the meeting this morning! (Missed you, Renee)

2. Grabbed a piece of fruit or a vegetable every time I wanted something to munch on today (instead of the "other stuff").

3. Ate my salad and fruit first at instead of having 6 points of turkey meatballs I only had 3 points worth because I realized I was actually FULL after I ate just two meatballs. And most importantly, I stopped eating after those two because I really was full.

Robin Amada Tzucker said...

1. Worked out tonight while watching Biggest Loser- when they start really exercising I increase the level on the bike or elliptical, too!

2. Met a friend at Starbucks and ordered a tall non-fat drink and only had half of it (no whip)!

3. Drank all my liquids today.