Saturday, January 29, 2011

NSVs - Sat, 1/29/11

Welcome to the challenge, my Saturday Star Catchers! Here are my three NSVs for today:

1. Tasted gelato when I went to the grocery store after dinner, but I didn't order any.
2. Instead I had a dessert of oranges (clementines, actually), and I shared them with Jonah (bonus - healthy for me, good role modeling for Jonah!)
3. I've promised myself a hot bubble bath after we get Jonah to bed (he's got dibs on the tub right now...). I promise I'll do it! (If I don't, I'll have to come edit my blog post!)

I can't wait to see what little victories you are celebrating today! (Here's a hint if you need help coming up with one, and if I saw you this morning - You went to a meeting! That's a HUGE NSV right there!)


Becky Lucarelli said...

My NSV's for today:
1) Went to the WW meeting - thanks Renee!
2) Laid in bed much of the day, being lazy and catching up on sleep.
3) Allotted points for my dinner out and only ate half my plate!

Becky L.

Anne T. said...

1. Reworked my food plan (and drank a lot of water) to adjust for a "free" bakery sample that was twice as large as expected. (Eight PointsPlus and worth every bite!)

2. Jogged four miles in light rain/wind. Hills kept me warm enough in long sleeves and shorts.

3. Practiced East Coast Swing with E. for almost an hour. (Our teacher will be so proud.)

Anne T.