Thursday, January 27, 2011

The NSV Challenge

A great way for weight loss to feel easy is to constantly feel successful. And if we're only using the scale to judge our successes we are seriously missing out on big opportunities, and probably setting ourselves up for disappointment, too. To help us all see the positive changes we're making in our lives, I invite you to join me in the NSV Challenge!

What's an NSV you ask? It's a Non-Scale Victory!
It's stepping back from the scale and celebrating the accomplishments we have every day, even the little things.

For this challenge I, your fearless leader, commit to publishing a blog post once a day for 32 days (from Friday, Jan 28 to Monday, Feb 28) that lists three NSVs I had that day. They can be tiny, or huge.

I challenge you, my (hopefully fearless) members, to join me. Visit the blog each day and comment on the post with three of your own NSVs.

We can inspire ourselves by seeing that even days where we are feeling down that we have some small change we have made in our lives, and see that these small changes add up to big success. We can inspire each other by seeing the victories other people call out as success, that we might overlook or push aside.

I even commit to doing this while I am on vacation in Hawaii. That's how awesome I think this challenge is! I have a prize in mind, something for each member who posts at least 25 times through-out the challenge (that's an 80% response rate). A little extra incentive for anyone who needs it.

You don't need to have a blogger account or anything. You just come read this blog each day, click on the "Post a Comment" link, and post your own. I can't wait to see our successes add up!


Renee said...

To test that the comments are working right I'll post a bonus three NSVs from yesterday, Thurs 1/27:

I first have to admit that it was a hard day. It was the "see the bottom of the chip bag" kind of day. It was a "stop at Starbucks for a short chai latte (3 PointsPlus values) and walk away with a donut" kind of day. So I *NEED* to find some kind of success I had yesterday!

1. Took 2 boxes of pre-pregnancy clothes out of storage to try on. Most of it fit!

2. Made it to Trader Joes (after a 2 or 3 day delay in shopping!) to get my Greek yogurt so I can have my healthy, low PPV breakfast of choice.

3. Took "me" time and went to a friend's house to chat after we put Jonah to bed.

Quigley Family said...

My first NSV is that I'M BACK! I signed up for WW today after a break for pregnancy/birth. I wanted another month to "enjoy" not being on the plan, but why wait? I am ready now. Tomorrow is my first mtg. in probably 6 months or more, I'm ready to hear about the new plan and start living it. Renee, I accept your challenge!

Lisa G. said...

Yesterday I:
1) Went to WW;
2) Did my Curves workout;
3) Parked in a back lot and walked, including stairs.

Today (1/30) I:
1) Stopped at Trader Joe's and picked up blueberries;
2) Took those berries to D&D to nosh on;
3) Turned off the TV earlier.

Lisa G.